
Beach daisy

© C. Bellanger - Parc national des calanques
© M. Monti


The beach daisy forms pretty, small cushions studded with yellow flowers that bloom in the spring. It can be seen by the sea where its grows attached to limestone rocks. In order to resist the very dry conditions, it can drop all its leaves and be easily missed when not in flower. Its name comes from the Greek ‘astericos’ meaning small star.

Scientific name

Pallenis maritima

Where and when can you see it?

  • Natural habitats: “Phrygane” areas, coastal garrigue scrubland
  • Flowering season: May to July

Did you know ?

This plant is absent from a large proportion of the coast except at Cap Croisette where it grows in abundance.

Conservation stake



  • Trampling
  • Uprooting
  • Polluted sea spray

How can I help to protect it?

  • I keep to the trails
  • I look but I don’t touch