

In the heart of the spring, tree heather lights up the Calanques landscape with its abundant bouquets of bell-shaped flowers. These small flowers contrast with the tallness of the plant. Tree heather can indeed be as high as four metres when the land, forests and maquis scrubland with their acidic soils are conducive to its development.

In the Calanques it is only found on acidic soil in the maquis of Canaille. In this massif, it rubs shoulders with Mediterranean heather, lower and with autumn flowering.

Scientific name

Erica arborea

Where and when can you see it?

  • Natural habitats: Maquis scrubland
  • Flowering season: March to May

Did you know?

The hard wood from its stem is used to made pipes.

Conservation stake


How can I help to protect it?

  • I keep to the trails
  • I look but I don’t touch

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