© V. Piozin - Parc national des Calanques

Very difficult to observe due to its timidity, its vivaciousness and small size, this warbler can be recognised by its long black tail which is always pointing upwards. Its head is a slate grey colour, its body is greyish brown on the top, wine red and white on the bottom, and its eye has a red circle around it. The female’s plumage is overall lighter and her head is brown and not grey. Its breast is pinkish. These birds build their nests: they are sometimes the prey of the black rat and the grass snake... Its call varies widely and depends on the situation it finds itself in: soft and lively when it is flying or perched high above the ground or hard and metallic when it is frightened, shrill and repetitive when it is restless.

Scientific name : Ylvia undata

Natural habitats :

Did you know?

The name of this warbler in French is derived from the word “pitchou” which means “little”, and was given due to its small size.

Conservation stake



  • Disturbance by humans
  • Urbanisation

How can I help to protect it?

  • I do not disturb it

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