
A village in a classified natural area

Aiguille des Baumettes © A. Zec - Parc national des Calanques
Le village des Baumettes depuis les Escampons © A. Zec - Parc national des Calanques
L'île de Riou depuis la crête des Escampons © A. Zec - Parc national des Calanques
Marseille vue de l'aiguille des Baumettes © A. Zec - Parc national des Calanques
Indication sur la crête de Morgiou © A. Zec - Parc national des Calanques
On the way to Sormiou and Morgiou calanques, Les Baumettes is a hamlet typical of the Marseille area. It gave its name to a rocky needle and a pass, which surround a green valley ideal for hiking.


Getting here and regulations

Les Baumettes hamlet is in a peripheral zone, whereas the surrounding nature is classified as part of the national park. They are open to visitors all year round, except when closed due to fire danger.

Before heading out to visit the Calanques National Park, make sure you are prepared and read about good conduct and regulations here.

Access to the natural area overlooking the prison is forbidden.


Getting here

RTM Bus no.22 - direction Les Baumettes to the terminus then walk between 45 minutes and one hour to reach Sormiou and Morgiou calanques.




GPS Coordinates: 43.228596, 5.415284

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