
A network to share the Calanques

© C. Bellanger - Parc national des Calanques
© Planète Mer
© ADAM13
Interactive fresco project © Le Naturoscope
© Les Jardins de l'Espérance
Environmental education and sustainable development are at the heart of the National Parks' missions. In a peri-urban context that is unique in Europe, the Calanques National Park has entered into cooperation with its partners to increase its support capacity and reach a very wide audience.

Éducalanques is about:

  • the dynamics of a network facilitated by the National Park, which brings together environmental educational organisations and institutional partners, to create an educational project in the Calanques National Park and unite new energies. Collective intelligence, cooperation and synergy are the key words of this partnership.
  • the Calanques for all: the members of the Éducalanques network seek to make nature more accessible to all, by addressing young people in particular in the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis as well as the public in general. 
  • a toolbox: the Éducalanques network is creating educational resources, tools, excursions and events to pass on knowledge about the Calanques and to make people want to protect them.

These quality partnerships benefit from the approval of the French Ministry for Education and awaken young people to the landscapes and their history, to the secrets of the flora and fauna and the cultural treasures of the Calanques...






Éducalanques, 1st generation

In 2015, the Calanques National Park launched a call for ideas to local environmental education organisations to join energies to create an educational partnership in the Calanques.



Éducalanques, 2nd generation

Since 2018, the network has entered its second phase. A new call for ideas allowed it to widen the network and support 7 new projects until 2021.

Meeting biodiversity

The CPIE Côte Provençale programme for naturalist outings and do-it-yourself workshops to develop gardens to better accommodate biodiversity.

On the road to Sainte-Frétouse

Les Jardins de l’Espérance offers multi-sensory outings and participatory sites on the remains of the agricultural past and the uses of the hills of the Sainte-Frétouse site in La Ciotat. A discovery booklet will enable visitors to learn about the history of this site and its natural heritage. 

A journey from the depths to the summits of the Calanques

Naturoscope develops interactive frescoes to facilitate the exploration of the Calanques on the biotopes, local flora and fauna to create events for the general public.

The Barasse survey and observation booklet

The Amis de l’Huveaune offer a tool to explore the National Park from a new angle: discovering the industrial heritage.

We're all observers and participants in local Calanques biodiversity!

Visitors to the National Park are invited to contribute to a participatory science programme to discover and preserve coastal biodiversity. Participate in the Biolit programme by Planète Mer!

5 discovery walks in the Calanques

The Association des Accompagnateurs en Moyenne Montagne des Bouches-du-Rhône proposes 5 thematic walks in the National Park for local inhabitants and the general public: contact l’ADAM13 for more information.

Éducalanques on tour

The Petits débrouillards PACA coordinate festive events for the Éducalanques network, open to everyone, to explore, discuss and understand. 



Write an email to the National Park about the Éducalanques programme

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